Commercial Disputes & Negotiation



Our experts are known for their independent and objective analysis and clear articulation of issues.

We support clients and their legal advisers in managing and resolving commercial disputes effectively, especially when the exact quantum of damages needs to be established. Our expertise in competition economics enables us to assist clients in substantiating and strengthening their case with solid and reliable evidence at every stage of the contested issue from pre-litigation due diligence and strategy development to damages analysis.

We can provide expert advice and testimony on behalf of claimants and defendants in a wide variety of commercial litigation and arbitration proceedings.

We can help
  • Assess the quality of evidence
  • Evaluate the damage claims by third parties
  • Determine the appropriate but-for scenario (counterfactual market outcome)
  • Evaluate causation between the alleged damage and the disputed conduct
  • Calculate loss of business value or lost profits damages
  • Prepare affirmative and rebuttal expert reports
  • Assess opposing expert reports
  • Assist in preparing areas of likely cross-examination by opposing lawyers
  • Testify before courts and arbitrators
  • Design and negotiate settlement options on behalf of our clients

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